Copyright© 2010 Kennyblogz. You are allowed to copy anything you want but no selling or editng it unless with my permission~!!!XD If you post my drawings at your blog remember to mention me!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

a story i made up

Reporter busted in Kenny's room and pointed a microphone at him

Kenny:Ah!!!!!!!!!!!Don kill me ! I am too young to die!!

Reporter:Now,shut ur mouth and only answer when we ask u a question,ok?


Reporter:Now,what is ur real name ?

Kenny:Why should i tell u ?Give me 10000000 reasons and i will tell u .

Reporter:I don wanna.Ok, next question,how old r u?

Kenny:Didn't you see my profile at my blog??!!

Reporter:I saw it alrite,but what u gave was not true.Nobody can be 2007 years old!

(Reporter puts a knife under my neck)

Kenny:OK !OK!Iam 12 and turning 13 next year and 14 on the other and 15 in the year...

Reporter points the sharp knife at me and says:Don give me any more jokes.Iam a busy guy and i have no time for you......!

Kenny:(Gulp...)Ye...yes..yes sir!!

Reporter: IAM A WOMAN!!!!!!

Kenny: Yes madam!

Reporter:where do you live?

Kenny:In Malaysia...

Reporter: NOT THE COUNTRY!!!!

Kenny:It's private....

Reporter:UGH!!I don't care any more!!


Reporter:I will come back another time and you must give me a logical answer!GET IT!!!


End of section 1


♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ said...
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♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ said...


But it's okay...

Of course we still can be friends~

Just called me Zara~

Btw, why dont you put a shoutbox in your blog Kenny?


muzakkir said...
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muzakkir said...

hello just to say hello..I hope you can go to my blog....:D

♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ said...


may I know if u are using MSN or what so ever?

I already added u as my contact in YM list~
I hope it appeared in yours too.

Have u sign up for any shoutbox?

Zulfaisal Bin Zulkipli/ TaraGraphika said...

its easy to use .
1-log in

2-After that it will show your dashboard.Go to layout.

3-Click "Add a gadget".Then Choose Link list.

4- Make a title for your link.I recommend if u leave the second column blank.

5-insert the url.And then name the url. And click save.

hope this works.

Zulfaisal Bin Zulkipli/ TaraGraphika said...


1-log in..
2-It will show your dashboard..
3-click layout..
4-click add gadget on ur right...
5-click "HTML/JavaScript"
6-Insert the title of your chat box..
7-Insert the chatbox encode.
8-then save...
