Copyright© 2010 Kennyblogz. You are allowed to copy anything you want but no selling or editng it unless with my permission~!!!XD If you post my drawings at your blog remember to mention me!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Day2 at Penang

We started our journey today.

1 stop: Penang Hill/Bukit Bendera
The ticket counter The ticket's price Our ride The tickets
The infomation about the cable car

One cable car coming!

The view from the cable car

The view from the hill

Destination No.2 : Pagoda

i think it looks beuatiful up here....

the pagoda under construction like my blog

Anyone spied three gold dragons?

We had lunch in this restaurant, this restaurant was to said to be the most delicous chicken rice store lah~

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Day1 at Penang

We bertolak at about 8a.m. and reach the Penang bridge at about 12p.m.

My little sis enjoying the view.....

I don know wad is this thing called but they are very beautiful....
Zoom In version

versio n

P.Penang's mini twin tower....( haha, so small and cute! :> )

While this post is being posted, i am now enjoying my half of my day in Penang. And when i come back, i will share all my memories with you guys! haha!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Today the result's of the UPSR came out, i only got 5A's out of seven subject.At first, i was very happy till like gonna get crazy but afterwards my grandmother called and said that in my hometown alot of people got 7A's and one of my cousin got 6A's.I 顿时感到很dissapointed and very 丢脸. Haiz~never mind lah, got 5A's better than 1 or 2A's. ( But still very happy :) XD )

Thursday, November 6, 2008

This are my Gengkey drawings, specially drawn for Michael Chuah. That time i didn't have the software Adobe Photoshop so i use pen to colour.(Lousy lah me!)




Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Can somebody help me to think of a very cool name for my blog? The name must has something to do with artworks. Can? Plz!
NO!!!!!The name "kennystudio" has been registered!NO!!!!!:'(
I am planing to change my blog's name into "kennystudio" do you all like the name? plz give me comments of whether you want me to change my blogs name!

Monday, November 3, 2008

This artwork I used the software"paint" to do this.But a bit ugly lah the words.(I am a fan of Ben-10!)

Jokes from the book

Valentine's day
Florist: Tomorrow is valentime's day, won't you buy a rose fr the sweet lady you love?

Gentleman: That would not be nice!I am a married man!

Smart Aleck
There was a smart aleck who sent the following e-mail to his dad from his college in the US:

Dear Dad,

I am making lot$ of friend$ and $tudying like nobody'$ bu$ine$$ and I am $imply $o happy $ince I came to US,. $end my love and ki$$e$ and my baby $i$ter.

Your $on

The dad replied as follows:

Dear son, i kNOw that astroNOmy, ecoNOmics, and oceanNOgraphy are eNOugh to keep an hoNOur's student busy. Do NOt forget the pursuit of kNOwledge is a NOble task.

Your dad

There are more jokes next time........XD

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Wah~Today i go and see how to change your blogs name into something like (www.*****.com) and now only i knew that it cost about 30 ringgit malaysia!!!!!Expensive man!


Does you all Know why YE@H wanted to change his blog's name? It is because some people keep on saying That Ye@h copy my blog's name, actually, YE@H did not copy my blog's name nor did I.we put the same name because we are best friends lah you all!!!!!!
When i can sucessfully work as a freelancer(i heard that full or part time comic artist has alot of pressure so i don't wanna work as full or part time comic artist :p) , the first thing i will do is .............................( can u guess?)..............................................................................................................................................................
............................................................................................................................................................................. to get a I-Mac and a scanner!!!:p