Copyright© 2010 Kennyblogz. You are allowed to copy anything you want but no selling or editng it unless with my permission~!!!XD If you post my drawings at your blog remember to mention me!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New paintings!

Yo friends so long never blog dy so now i give you guys my newest paintings! All drawn by Yeahz and colored by me! give comments!

This wan Yeahz draw to introduce weapons wan i just colored it for fun...

this one Yeahz draw and wanted me to color it for him. Ladies and Gentlemen! I give you.......MADARA UCHIHA!! FROM NARUTO!! ( colors refrenced from Google images.)


I am Kenny! said...

hahaha i am not a pro so i think that it is still suckish

Buat Duit Dengan RM20 said...

just ggggg.....