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Monday, July 13, 2009

(This is a " How to solve a 5x5 rubik's cube" trailer.) ( And this is not me man!)

Hi Blogger friends, nowdays i have gone noob with the rubik's cube and since i have learn how to solve the 3x3 Rubik's cube i want to learn how to solve the 5x5 Rubik's cube ( This is because when i went to buy the 4x4 rubik's cube i found out that the 4x4 and 5x5 rubik's cube are the same price so i went and bought the bigger one.) Thanks to this guy i have learned how to solve the 5x5 rubik's cube ( i still get confused sometimes lemme practise more first). This guy's youtube acc is RobH0629 go and check to see how to learn how to do the 3x3 rubik's cube ( if you haven't learned yet) or the 4x4 or the 5x5 rubik's cube. Have fun!

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