Copyright© 2010 Kennyblogz. You are allowed to copy anything you want but no selling or editng it unless with my permission~!!!XD If you post my drawings at your blog remember to mention me!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Earth Hour!

Earth Hour!!! I am gonna to be one of the 5million Malaysians to jion the Earth Hour campaign!
I hope that all my blogging frens and none bloggings frens are going to join this campaign!
If you are going to join, plz vote at the poll i put at the side of my blog and put your name in the C-box

Saturday, March 21, 2009

kael in warcaft ( frozen throne)

While playing Dota in my fren's house( i am playing the campaign). i use Kael'thas as my hero and this make me remember Kael. Big coincidence huh. So i decied to save this screen shot and post it on blog. Haha. :P

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Today, i remove my photoshop and wanted to install my new Photoshop CS4. But when i click the Setup icon, nothing happened. Then i realies that this photoshop DVD has something wrong with it so i got to buy a new wan. This is the sad part, I cannot upload any new drawings until i get my photoshop. I can only upload my old wans. So sorry to all my Blogger frens and not Blogger frens. Plz Do Not Leave My Blog!! I will try to get wan new wan as soon as i can! Sayonara~( for a short time only lah!)
This artwork has something new in it rite~ Yes, i add a Gradient Overlay to this pic to make it look nicer. Thos technique was taught by Kael in msn. Arigato Gozaimasu!!( thank you in Japanese. I am now learning Jap in school.)

:: Adobe Photoshop CS2
::Wacom Bamboo Fun

Monday, March 16, 2009

I Rock But You Suck header! i drew this at my pal Jared Chuah house today. I had to edit it alot of times because Jared keep on pestering me. Anyway, hope u like it

::Adobe Photoshop CS4 ( it belongs to Jared, i am gonna to have one soon)
::Wacom Babmoo Fun ( i brought it to his house)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Saw my friend Sean shuffling in his youtube video so i draw someone shuffling like him only that the background sucks

::Adobe Photoshop CS2
::Wacom Bamboo Fun

Friday, March 6, 2009

So xian lah nowdays so just wanna draw something loh.

::Adobe Photoshop CS2
::Wacom Bamboo Fun

Wednesday, March 4, 2009



I drew this comic specially for my church, it look very noob to me~ I add in the words using photoshop cs2 and erased all the sketches.

::Scanned by my teacher
::Adobe Photoshop CS2
::Wacom Bamboo Fun
Street Fighter... I still remember when i was about 5 years old i was still watching ultraman... lll=_=
Then there was this street fighter avertisment.O.o Then that was how i know street fighter
::Adobe Photoshop CS2
::Wacom Bamboo Fun

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

This logo i design for my friend Sean for his counter strike blog clan. I got the pic from Google and then add some few things in it

::Adobe Photoshop CS2
::Wacom Bamboo Fun
I design a T-shirt for Tara
Looks Cool~

::Adobe Photoshop Cs2
::Wacom Bamboo Fun
This was for my classmate Darien ( who had been buging me the whole week to draw it..) This is one of his Killa Bear: The North Forest Guardian ( I know it is weird becuase the bear is holding a toothbrush
::Adobe Photoshop Cs2
::WacomBamboo Fun